Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Just to continue the 'Now you are a Manager' series, I have decided to mix it up with a pamphlet that I produced in my previous working life entitled Leadership in the Office. It is not a dogmatic approach to leadership but I hope it will inspire discussion on the matter.

As it is, developing leadership is not cheap, the amount of money needed to attend such courses is exorbitant and yet our bosses expect us to have it and implement it.

So here goes - the first article in the series of many (I hope)


Leadership is not a black art. It can be learned, practised and polished by anyone who is prepared to make the effort. In that sense it is no different to other professional attributes required in your field. If you want to get better at it - you have to spend time on it and at it.

There are many of us who could improve our leadership in one way or another. You might find it heldful to read this pamphlet when you join a new organisation, are promoted or take on new responsibilities. Six months later it may be worth having another quick read to help review and refresh your leadership knowledge. It might also be able to give you personal guidance if you are confronted byu a particularly difficult leadership challenge.

Improved leadership leads directly to improved effectiveness. we have recognised the gains of the Scientific Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the Social Revolution and the Computer Revolution. The next step up in performance needs to come from a Leadership Revolution.

Till the next time - de 9W2SBS

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