Monday, May 25, 2009

So you are now a MANAGER (intro)

Now that you have earned your reward: you are a manager and now a staff to manage. Onwards, your success no longer depends on just your technical know how and specialised knowledge. You will only prosper if other people do their jobs well.

Sheesh, you say - why do I have to depend on others for job approval. I am sure that if I do my work well, the rest will automatically follow. Well, hello - it doesn't work that way. You are a team leader now and what the rest of the team does will reflect on you and will ultimately determine the size of that money package at the end of the year.

Hei, you are a manager now, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. Hopefully with my ramblings here, you could get a few pointers on how to be a successful manager.

Funny isn't it? You were promoted because of your ability and yet, the Company does not provide any training for you to be an effective and succesfull manager. Your are expected to do your job, lead your team, manage your team and still produce the excellent results that you have been consistently producing year in and year out.

Just because you did not go to any managerial school to learn to be a manager doesn't mean that there isn't any. All you need to do is read, learn and have an open mind about things that may affect you.

I said an open mind not an empty open mind.

So till the next posting i will leave you with the words from Lee Iacocca,

"In the end, all management can be reduced to three words: people, product and profits. People come first"

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